Pixel Prisons ⛏️is a Roblox game by Prisons_Group with 629.7K+ visits since it released in late August 2024
Welcome To Pixel Prisons! ⛏️
How To Play:
💎 Mine Ores!
🪄 Pickaxes & Enchants!
🗺️ Explore Mines!
🏆 Find Rare Items!
⌛ Premium players get +10% CASH!
👥 Invite friends for free rewards!
Pixel Prison script features:
Nuke All Blocks: Blow up anything in your way
Fast Auto Farm: Grind resources super quick
Fast Pickaxe Speed: Mine faster than ever
local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://sirius.menu/rayfield'))() Rayfield:LoadConfiguration() local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({ Name = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name.." - By relevant500 on discord", LoadingTitle = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name, LoadingSubtitle = ".gg/renderintents", Discord = { Enabled = true, Invite = "renderintents", RememberJoins = true } }) local WorldTab = Window:CreateTab("World", 13350796199) local nukertoggle = false local range = 5 local NukerToggle = WorldTab:CreateToggle({ Name = "Nuker", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "nukertoggle", Callback = function(state) nukertoggle = state if nukertoggle then task.spawn(function() while nukertoggle do task.wait() for _, v in pairs(workspace.Main.Blocks:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") and v:GetAttribute("Health") ~= -50 then local distance = (game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - v.Position).magnitude if distance <= range then local pickaxeID pcall(function() pickaxeID = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Client.Modules.Physical.PickaxeController).EquippedPickaxe:GetAttribute("ID") end) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.DamageBlock:FireServer(v, pickaxeID) end end end end end) end end }) local NukerRange = WorldTab:CreateSlider({ Name = "Range", Range = {1, 10}, Increment = 1, Suffix = " studs", CurrentValue = 5, Flag = "NukerRange", Callback = function(value) range = value end }) local fastbreak = false local origgetspeed = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Client.Modules.Physical.PickaxeController).GetSpeed local maintab = Window:CreateTab("Main", 13350832775) local fastbreak = maintab:CreateToggle({ Name = "Fast Break", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "fastbreak", Callback = function(state) fastbreak = state if fastbreak then task.spawn(function() while fastbreak do task.wait(3) require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Client.Modules.Physical.PickaxeController).GetSpeed = function(a1) return 3,0.0005 end end end) else require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Client.Modules.Physical.PickaxeController).GetSpeed = origgetspeed end end })
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